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What to see in Bolivia

City of Potosí
In the 16th century, this area was regarded as the world's largest industrial complex.

City of Potosí

The extraction of silver ore relied on a series of hydraulic mills. The site consists of the industrial monuments of the Cerro Rico, where water is provided by an intricate system of aqueducts and artificial lakes; the colonial town with the Casa de la Moneda; the Church of San Lorenzo; several patrician houses; and the barrios mitayos, the areas where the workers lived.

Fuerte de Samaipata

Fuerte de Samaipata

The archaeological site of Samaipata consists of two parts: the hill with its many carvings, believed to have been the ceremonial centre of the old town (14th–16th centuries), and the area to the south of the hill, which formed the administrative and residential district. The huge sculptured rock, dominating the town below, is a unique testimony to pre-Hispanic traditions and beliefs, and has no parallel anywhere in the Americas.

Historic City of Sucre
Sucre, the first capital of Bolivia, was founded by the Spanish in the first half of the 16th century.

Historic City of Sucre

Its many well-preserved 16th-century religious buildings, such as San Lázaro, San Francisco and Santo Domingo, illustrate the blending of local architectural traditions with styles imported from Europe.

Jesuit Missions of the Chiquitos
Between 1696 and 1760, six ensembles of reducciones (settlements of Christianized Indians) inspired by the 'ideal cities' of the 16th-century philosophers were founded by the Jesuits in a style that married Catholic architecture with local traditions.

Jesuit Missions of the Chiquitos

The six that remain – San Francisco Javier, Concepción, Santa Ana, San Miguel, San Rafael and San José – make up a living heritage on the former territory of the Chiquitos.

Tiwanaku: Spiritual and Political Centre of the Tiwanaku Culture
The city of Tiwanaku, capital of a powerful pre-Hispanic empire that dominated a large area of the southern Andes and beyond, reached its apogee between 500 and 900 A.D.

Tiwanaku Culture

Its monumental remains testify to the cultural and political significance of this civilisation, which is distinct from any of the other pre-Hispanic empires of the Americas.

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park
The National Park is one of the largest (1,523,000 ha) and most intact parks in the Amazon Basin. With an altitudinal range of 200 m to nearly 1,000 m, it is the site of a rich mosaic of habitat types from Cerrado savannah and forest to upland evergreen Amazonian forests. The park boasts an evolutionary history dating back over a billion years to the Precambrian period. An estimated 4,000 species of flora as well as over 600 bird species and viable populations of many globally endangered or threatened vertebrate species live in the park.

Backpackers Cochabamba Hostel Cochabamba,, BH & H Hostel Concordia Cochabamba, HI-Hostal Versalles Cochabamba, HI-Brisas Del Titicaca Copacabana

Arthy's Guesthouse La Paz, Columbus Palace Hotel La Paz, Copacabana Hotel La Paz, HI-Hotel-Torino La Paz, Hostal Republica La Paz, Hotel El Dorado La Paz

Backpackers Potosi Hostel Potosi, Casona Potosi Hostal Potosi, HI-Hotel Jerusalem Potosi

HI-Cabañas Campeche Samaipata

Backpackers Santa Cruz Hostel Santa Cruz, HI-Hotel Copacabana Santa Cruz, Jodanga Backpackers Hostel Santa Cruz, La Siesta Hotel S.R.L. Santa Cruz

Amigo Hostel Sucre, Backpackers Sucre Hostel Sucre, BH & H Hotel Cruz de Popayan Sucre, Hostelling International Sucre Sucre

La Torre Tupiza

Hostelling International Salar de Uyuni Uyuni

Where to stay in



La Paz



Santa Cruz




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